vineri, 5 ianuarie 2018

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Trainer 2018 (Money & XP) / NEW

Our team developed a new Trainer for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.1 - 2018)

With this new version you will be able to add Money and XP too your in-game experience with ETS2.
You can add $50.000 or $100.000 as many times as you want, you can even freeze the amount of money that you have. You can add 500 or 1.000 XP points, it's your choice.

  1. Download EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2 Trainer v1.1(2018) from the link below;
  2. Extract the archive using WINrar;
  3. First run the Trainer, after that start the game*.
 *This EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2 Trainer v1.1(2018) will work on any version of the game, including pirated versions.

  • NumPad1 - $50.000;
  • NumPad2 - $100.000;
  • NumPad3 - 500XP;
  • NumPad4 - 1.000XP;
  • NumPad5 - Freeze Money.

2 comentarii:

Brian Toretto spunea...

does this work for the demo too?

ADMIN spunea...

@Brian Toretto, yes, this works just fine for the demo. Enjoy!

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